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The Growing Trend of Bathtub Refinishing in Boston


The world of Interior design and home improvement is always changing, perhaps even more so than our weather.

Of late, however, a specific trend seems to have caught on among the good folks here in the Boston Metropolitan area – bathtub refinishing.

Instead of a full-scale remodeling project, more and more homeowners and businesses are opting for refinishing to upgrade the look and feel of their bathrooms. 

In this blog post, we will take a look at this new trend – bathtub refinishing in Boston. We’ll check out what it is, why it can prove useful, and what explains its growing popularity.

Let’s begin…

What is bathtub refinishing?

Also known as reglazing and resurfacing, bathtub refinishing can be described as a way to refresh or upgrade the surface of a bathtub, by applying a new coating or finish on the surface.

Apart from the usual wear and tear that applies to any furniture or fixture, a bathtub is also exposed to other types of deterioration, like weathering, discoloration, corrosion, and so on – due to the nature of its use.

Bathtub refinishing attempts to reverse the effect of these degradations as much as possible, restoring a presentable appearance to the tub. It can also be used to update the look of an old bathtub with an outdated design.

A good refinishing should create a finish that not only appears new but also feels as high-quality as a newly installed bath.

Why bathtub refinishing is becoming more popular in Boston

As we mentioned before, our city of Boston has seen an uptick in demand for bathtub refinishing services of late. 

We can attest to this as Boston’s premier bathroom refinishing company – Bay State Refinishing.

Google boston bathtub refinishing, and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

Here are a few reasons that we can identify, based on our conversations with our customers and clients:

  • Visual Transformation: The basic nature of refinishing is perhaps the strongest reason for its rising popularity. Sprucing up the bathtub you’ve grown a connection with over time is a more attractive option than getting a new one.
  • Cost-Effective: A key reason – as may be the case in numerous kinds of home improvement services – is affordability. Refinishing sets you back a lot less than a complete bathtub replacement. Savings accrue from everything from less material to fewer workers being required.
  • Time-Saving: A complete renovation can stretch for weeks and completely upend the daily routine for the client. On the other hand, a refinishing can be wrapped up within a few days.
  • More Eco-Friendly: Yep, bathtub refinishing is a greener option than the alternatives. For one, you save your existing tub from ending up on a landfill and you also don’t have to get a new one. Given the increasingly eco-conscious consumer of today and tomorrow, this undoubtedly has a part to play in sparking interest.

The role of fintech companies in driving demand

One more factor that has had an undoubted role to play in driving demand for not just bathtub refinishing services but all kinds of bathroom refinishing services in Boston is the rise of fintech.

Fintech – Financial Technology – companies have revolutionized consumer finance services, including both payments and access to credit.

This has empowered vast swathes of people to get the confidence they need to invest in home improvement, including bathtub refinishing.

As this happens, home and real estate values get a boost across Boston, triggering a virtuous cycle of asset price appreciation, consumption and investment all of which has combined to have a positive multiplier effect on the local economy.

A closer look at our company – Bay State Refinishing

Established in 2011, we’ve overseen hundreds of refinishing projects in the Boston Metropolitan area, for both residential and commercial clients.

And our tale is not simply about numbers or order volume – we’ve consistently delivered high-quality work that has consistently impressed clients.

Whether it’s a residential project or a commercial order, we always bring our A-Game, whether it’s in terms of skill or professionalism.

We also offer a suite of services beyond bathtub refinishing – you can also check out our tile, sink and shower refinishing services. 

Moreover, we have innovated a further offering – the Bay State Refresh, which offers a convenient and easy bathroom upgrade that we can execute within one week.

Looking to the future 

As things stand, the rising demand for bathtub refinishing services in Boston looks set to continue.

The several benefits offered by refinishing – aesthetical, economical, time-saving, and eco-friendly – have played a part in boosting popularity. Further, the proliferation of fintech services has also played its part, by unlocking new swathes of consumers.

And we at Bay State have responded to this by not only expanding our capacity to meet higher demand but also innovating new offerings like Bay State Refresh (our quick and easy refinish option).

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