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Professor Zhihan Lyu Release a Book in Generative AI


The link of the book “Applications of Generative AI”:

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Generative AI in terms of basic concepts, core technologies, technical architecture, and application scenarios. Readers gain a deeper understanding of the emerging discipline of Generative AI. This book covers the latest cutting-edge application technologies of Generative AI in various fields. It provides relevant practitioners with ideas to solve problems and deepen their understanding of Generative AI. At the same time, it guides and helps Generative AI and related industries to deepen their understanding of the industry and enhance professional knowledge and skills. Starting from reality, this book lists many cases and analyzes theories in a popular image.

The book is useful for AI researchers and specifically for those working with the applications at hand (primarily medical imaging and construction/twinning industry). It covers a variety of cutting-edge technologies in Generative AI, which provides researchers with new research ideas.

The editor Dr Zhihan Lyu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University, Sweden. He is also IEEE Senior Member, British Computer Society Fellow, ACM Distinguished Speaker, Career-Long Scientific Influence Rankings of Stanford’s Top 2% Scientists, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher and Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researcher. He has contributed 300 papers including more than 90 papers on IEEE/ACM Transactions. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (KeAi), an Associate Editor of a few journals including ACM TOMM, IEEE TITS, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TCSS, IEEE TNSE, and IEEE CEM. He has reviewed 400 papers. He has received more than 20 awards from China, Europe, and IEEE. He has given more than 80 invited talks for universities and companies in Europe and China. He has given 20 keynote speeches at international conferences.

Zhihan Lyu Social Profiles:

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