OR, US, 14th May 2022, ZEXPRWIRE, Mid 2020 saw a disruption of standard work settings due to COVID-19. Many organizations allowed their employees to telework to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
This meant that communication was limited to phone calls, emails, and other messaging options. However, organizations had to depend on video conferencing for meetings, with zoom preferred by most organizations.
The Zoom Boom
“With the focus of zoom calls being on the face, many users became more aware of personal cosmetic concerns,” says Dr. Lee B. Daniel, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This awareness increased the demand for facial plastic surgery, which became known as the “zoom boom” in cosmetic surgery circles. The most sought out procedures included tissue fillers, chemical peeling, laser skin resurfacing, and intense laser light treatments to remove age spots, wrinkles, and unwanted hair.
But this trend is changing fast as America returns to a form of normalcy with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. According to industry players, the focus of many clients is shifting from facial plastic surgery to areas below the zoom line. This move is primarily motivated by a desire of many to look and feel their best as they return to regular office interactions.
New Focus Is On Below the Zoom Line
Most clients seeking cosmetic procedures are women, with liposuction and tummy tuck the most sought out. Working from home meant facing the daily temptation of snaking now and then, which resulted in a buildup of body fat in most people.
There is a general uptick in people considering cosmetic procedures now than before the pandemic. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ study, one in ten people indicated that they are more interested in a cosmetic surgery procedure than before the pandemic. Of all the respondents who have had a cosmetic procedure before, 15 percent indicated that they could get another procedure.
A Slow Year in the Cosmetic Industry
In 2020, overall demand for plastic surgery dropped by 14 percent to 2.3 million procedures compared to 2019. Many clients that had booked procedures before the pandemic said the reason for their cancellation was the fear of contracting the virus. Another reason is that people want to have cosmetic surgery when their health is at its best, and there was no way of guaranteeing good health with the rate the COVID-19 virus was spreading in the period.
Surprisingly some procedures saw an uptick in demand during the pandemic. Buttock implants had a 22 percent jump. Another cosmetic procedure that increased with the pandemic is pectoral implants which saw a two percent increase in demand.
Even as many people return to work, teleworking is here to stay. This means the cosmetic industry is yet to see COVID-19’s influence on the industry. Cosmetic surgery is a significant life decision that cannot be undone once performed, so give any procedure serious thought and speak with your doctor thoroughly about the procedure and potential risks.
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